Mali-G68 MC4 at 800 MHz vs Adreno 690 at 600 MHz |
GPU comparisons 27-08-2021 Extreme benchmark testing data of Mali-G68 MC4 @ 800MHz vs Adreno 690 @ 600MHz, which GPU is better. Detailed compare of graphics processors (GPU). A careful analysis of all the specifications, so that it can be easier to understand, is made by the table. From the comparison video, you can get the results of joint testing in special test applications like GeekBench 6, 5.2, Vellamo, Neocore, PassMark, PCMark, AnTuTu v10, 9, GFXBench, Quadrant, 3DMark, even the gaming performance of GPUs in Asphalt 9, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Fortnite, PUBG, GTA, Madout2 etc. After reading the results of joint tests and videos, you can already make an briefed decision about which GPU is better to buy Mali-G68 MC4 or Adreno 690.
Mali-G68 MC4 @ 800MHz vs Adreno 690 @ 600MHz comparison
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Spec | Mali-G68 MC4 @ 800MHz |
Adreno 690 @ 600MHz |
Frequency | 800 MHz | 600 MHz | Cores | 4 | 0 | Shaders | 128 | 512 | Lithography | 6 nm | 7 nm | Antutu v10 | 509737 | 368469 | | | | GeekBench 6 | 12756 | 11569 | | | | GFloPS | 686 GFloPS | 740 GFloPS | Triangle Fillrate | 320 MT/s | 340 MT/s | Pixel Fillrate | 12 GP/s | 9 GP/s | DirectX | 12 | 12 | Result:
The number of parameters for which Mali-G68 MC4 @ 800MHz is better: 6
The number of parameters for which Adreno 690 @ 600MHz is better: 3
Please note that you do not need to sightlessly trust the software comparison of the table. It is better to just watch the full video of parallel testing and listen to what those who really appreciated the capabilities of both GPUs think, and also read the test results on the links under the article.
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