Cinebench r15 23-03-2021 For example you are thinking about choosing a CPU, you will be able to make a decision after reading the full test AMD Ryzen 7 3700C Cinebench r15 score single and multi core and decide how powerful is this processor, is it a good CPU or a bad one to buy. Here you can find useful information from Cinebench r15 benchmark. A thorough analysis of all the technical characteristics, to make it easier to understand, is summarized in the table. After reading the results this test and video, you already be able to know do you need to buy AMD Ryzen 7 3700C or not.
The summary data in the text above do not mean that taking them into account you should fully trust a simple quantitative comparison. Be sure to watch the video tests and read the reviews of real owners of AMD Ryzen 7 3700C before deciding buy this CPU or not.