3DMark 17-02-2023 You may have difficulties with the choice of a mobile device, you will solve them by looking at comprehensive benchmark Qualcomm QCM2290 3DMark score and decide is it a good phone with processor or a bad one to buy, how powerful is this SoC. Here is all information from 3DMark benchmark. A careful review of all the specifications, so that it can be easier to understand, is presented in the form of the table. The chip is equipped with Adreno 702 GPU which is responsible for working with graphics and provides a productivity of 18.23 GFlops. After looking at the data this test and video, you already be able to know do you need to buy phone with Qualcomm QCM2290 or not.
3DMark (Sling shot)
Please note that you do not need to sightlessly believe automatic comparison of the table. It is better to just watch full video of full comparison and hear what people say who really evaluated abilities of all mobile devices with QCM2290, and also read real gaming test results on links under the article.