Antutu v10 17-10-2023 Perhaps you can't decide which with chip to buy a mobile device, you can make a choice after reading the detailed benchmark MediaTek Dimensity 7030 Antutu v10, 9 score and decide how powerful is this SoC, is it a good phone with SoC or a bad one to buy. Here you can find useful information from Antutu v10, 9 benchmark. A thorough analysis of all the technical characteristics, to make it easier to read, is summarized in the table. The processor has Mali-G610 MC3 GPU which working with graphical data and provides a performance of 1008 GFlops. After looking at the data this test and video, you already be able to understand do you need to buy mobile device with MediaTek Dimensity 7030 or not.
Antutu v10, 9 (Overall)
Although it should be realized that the summary data that you have looked at here do not mean that you should be guided entirely by them and trust a simple comparison of these numbers. Better to watch the video tests and read the opinion of real owners of phone with MediaTek Dimensity 7030 before making a choice buy mobile gadget with this processor or not.